Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why is the acrylic paint peeling off?

Ok so i painted my shoe the bottom side part (the rubber part) and now it peels off when i scratch it how could i make it so it could not peel off?Why is the acrylic paint peeling off?
Have you tried Volestrangler's Patent Shoe Colour?

It's not easy to find in the USA but it's perfect for this job.Why is the acrylic paint peeling off?
You can try enamel based paint, it will stay on longer but will peel in time. You cant really paint everlasting on rubber
You are using a latex-based paint on rubber.

It will always peel off, even if you seal them. Use Sharpie or is that not PERMANENT enough for you?


There is no difference, except maybe one will give you cancer more successfully than the other. :D
try enamel
Try spray paint which is designed for use in harsh/high traffic areas. You can also buy a spray primer which will assist with adhesion. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get any kind of paint to adhere to rubber.

Basic and classic acrylic paints are just two different brands/varieties/mixes of the same kind of materials.

Also to the first poster: all paints and art materials (even non-toxic ones) pose some serious risk of cancer/respiratory problems. So don't make art if you don't like the materials.




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